Beachhead was released as part of the Funko Pop! Retro Toys series. It was an exclusive for the New York Comicon and could be purchased from Target. He is number 13 in the series.
Video Review
Video review forthcoming.
Body Construction
The figure is designed to look like the Beach Head [v1] action figure from 1986. The body mold is similar to that of a standard Pop! figure with oversized head and smaller body. Only the head rotates around.
A box sticker variation was released at the same time. If you were awarded a ticket to buy from Funkos website, then there was 50/50 chnace you would recieve a NYCC 2020 sticker instead of the 2020 Fall Convention shared exclusive sticker.
No other versions of Beachhead have been released.
Beachhead was released in the Wave 1 of the Retro Toys series and was labeled number 13. Only Shipwreck, Zartan, and Beachhead were released in this set. The remaining figures in the set are from other Hasbro properties.